

The Advisory Council of The Institute for the Theology of Culture: New Wine, New Wineskins

Mae Elise Cannon

Kyogen & Gyokuko Carlson of Dharma Rain Zen Center

Cliff Chappell

Derek Chinn

The Contributing Editors to Cultural Encounters: A Journal for the Theology of Culture

The Faculty Committee of The Institute for the Theology of Culture: New Wine, New Wineskins

Matthew S. Farlow

Marc & Marion Foggin

R N Frost

Randy Furushima

Brad Harper

Lisa Sharon Harper

LeRoy Haynes, Jr.

Peter Illyn

Tom Krattenmaker

Tony Kriz

Rick McKinley

John W. Morehead

John M. Perkins (Dr. Metzger’s partnership with Dr. Perkins is called Drum Majors for Love, Truth and Justice)

Jason Pitzl-Waters

Soong-Chan Rah

Cornelia Becker Seigneur

Marilyn Sewell

Daniel A. Siedell

Ronaldo Sison

Andrea Smith

Mark Strong

Michael Tso

Ken Wytsma

Harris Zafar



American Academy of Religion (Member)

Center of Theological Inquiry (Member)

Evangelicals 4 Justice (Board and Steering Committee Member)

Evangelical Theological Society (Member)

Faith & Culture Writers (Advisor)

Foundation for Religious Diplomacy (Senior Research Fellow and a Charter Member of its Evangelical Chapter)

Fuller Institute for Theology & Northwest Culture (Advisory Council Member for their Christ & (Cascadian) Culture: An Interdisciplinary Conference and Contributing Editor to their Christ and Cascadia journal)

The Institute for the Theology of Culture: New Wine, New Wineskins (Director)

Mosaix Global Network (Advisor)

Multnomah Biblical Seminary & Multnomah University (Faculty)

New Hope Christian College (“Kupuna” for Theology of Culture)

Resonate series (Editor)

Society of Biblical Literature (Member)

Theological Engagement with California’s Culture (Outside Advisory Team Member)

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